Getting a Life – Coming of Age With Killers

Read Kirie Pedersen’s latest published story Getting a Life–Coming of Age with Killers in Under the Sun, an online national literary journal exclusively dedicated to the publication of creative non-fiction.
64 Wei Chi
Thunder above
Rain below
The superior person forgives
And thus bestows compassion
– I Ching

“He was always amazed and chagrined by the publicity generated by disappearances he thought would go totally unnoticed. … I mean, ‘There are so many people. It shouldn’t be a problem. What’s one less person on the face of the earth, anyway?’” The Only Living Witness

Ted Bundy. Getting a Life–Coming of Age with Killers by Kirie Pedersen in Under the Sun“Ted got Brenda,” my sister said.

“What are you talking about?” Lisa is usually placid and calm. Now she sounded terrified.

“Brenda who?”

“Brenda Ball. Ted got her. They found her body with some others on Taylor Mountain.” Brenda, my sister’s beautiful friend, often a guest in our family home, had vanished months earlier. Several from our high school crowd, including Lisa’s then-boyfriend Joe, last saw her in the Flame Tavern in Burien. Brenda asked around for a ride home. “Sure,” Joe said, but when he searched for her later, she was nowhere to be found. Joe figured Brenda must have caught a ride with someone else.

Read the full story: Getting a Life–Coming of Age with Killers in Under the Sun

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